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So, the genesis of this blog came with a book idea: a war between Earth and a Kardashev 2 civilization. In the process of thinking of the background of the story I realized the scale is just staggering as is the level of technological and social development. This makes you think about many themes:

  • Future economics specifically post scarcity economics
  • Energy technology
  • Quantum computing
  • Space habitats
  • Culture of space habitats
  • Trans-humanism with all the questions of lifespan, augmentation, uploading etc.
  • Politics – future democracy or what else
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Population

A world spanning, actually greater than world spanning, exercise. So, lets think about the future in all sorts of ways and the idea of how a society gets from here to there. Welcome to trying to understand the future.

About Attila

Attila has been an avid science fiction fan since elementary school. Now spending the last 20 years in the IT profession is going back to the joy of writing. In thinking about the distant future some of the technical concepts he is exploring is shared on the K2 Musings blog.