Utopia or Dystopia – What is the Current Trend?

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Just and interesting article from Time magazine. Even though the trend of the news media is: if it bleeds it leads. We occasionally get good news. It is worth checking out the article. Here are the biggest takeaways of what happened in the word in 2019:

  • Areas of land and water continue to get more legal protection
  • Air pollution deaths have fallen for the last 27 years
  • We are pretty close to having 90% of the world having electricity.
  • Almost at 11% of energy coming from renewables. It was about 7.5 % in 2000.
  • About 92% of the world has safe drinking water, up from about 84% in 2000.
  • The average employee make more now that any time in the last 30 years
  • Global literacy is climbing, from about 65% in 1978 to over 86%.
  • At almost 90% for children completing primary school, this is the highest in recorded history.
  • The gender gap for primary school completion rates have closed dramatically.

There is also more good news in the article. This is not to say the world is perfect, but based on trends the future still looks bright.

If you want more good news Steven Pinker’s book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined is a very good source walking you through how prosperity has increased and violence decreased through the centuries.

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About Attila

Attila has been an avid science fiction fan since elementary school. Now spending the last 20 years in the IT profession is going back to the joy of writing. In thinking about the distant future some of the technical concepts he is exploring is shared on the K2 Musings blog.