Religion in the Future – Part 2

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What is it Good For

So in the previous post I critiqued the rather facile view of projecting Christianity into a distant future. That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be religions in the future. But what makes them useful.

Strong Community Good or Bad

Sign post of all of the reigions of the world.

Community is the first thing. There have been surveys where they find the religious live longer than non-religious. Once people try going through the confounding variables this may not be true per se. A deeper look shows that it is people who are part of a community religious or not, are the ones that live longer.

A religion however gives you a very strong community because it gives you a very solid set of beliefs that everyone accepts, and from there you look to find more commonalities in your fellow group members. It also ends up creating an in-group and out-group. The other outside is dangerous. So you cling closer. While these are not always the best reasons for a community it does create a solid one.

Another example of strong communities is the various aspects of the homosexual groups. When homosexuality was more reviled by society you would have very close private often secretive groups that were tight knit. As homosexuality gained greater acceptance/tolerance some of the cohesion in the groups decreased. People who are similar will group together, but with less pressure from outside threats there is less of a specific need. In the context of a religion you may not always need a god, but you do need a devil.

Existential Dread

Animals are the perfect Zen practitioners. They live in the eternal now. Eat when hungry. Sleep when tired. As humans we cannot live that world. We have the ability to see into our future and see our death. For many people they need an escape. A religion giving them an afterlife removes this dread. It can also increase it by adding a hell if you don’t follow its tenants, keeping you in the faith. I believe this is a feature not a bug.

Prosperity or Lack Thereof

If you have a crappy life you can console yourself that you will have a better afterlife. It can make dealing with this one easier. On the other hand you can go to the prosperity gospel side, and justify your wealth because it was what good wanted you to have.

The Post Scarcity Society

The Kardashev scale is all about a societies use of energy. A couple things happen in the future, we finally figure out fusion, or as a space faring civilization we end up using more space based solar collectors. This tips the scale to almost unlimited free energy. Add to this more industry that can use that cheap energy and automation scarcity of goods disappears. It is always said land will be scarce since no one is making more. Add O’Neil Cylinder space habitats and yes we are, all we need.

Provided you have good governance, a rising tide lifts all boats. This also assumes a good social net. The table below shows that top six countries that find religion unimportant. One commonality is all of these are prosperous countries and a think the safety net of the Scandinavian countries is legendary. So as prosperity goes up religiosity goes down.

CountryYes, important[1]No, unimportant[1]
 Czech Republic21%75%

The Immortal Society

Aubrey de Grey talks about the concept of the actuarial escape velocity. The concept that all we need to be immortal is for science to extend lifespan on average by just a little over one year per year. At that point there is always a technology that can add on to your life. This is functional immortality not actual immortality since a very bad disease or accident can kill you.

This now makes a very different view on society. Today most of us want to live longer, but do we still have that desire when we are 200? 400? 1,000? In the distant future we worry about a life well lived and not death.

Heaven on Computronium

The concept of heaven for most people is eternal bliss. Although some people say it would be to be in god’s prescience praising him forever. That is a vision of being in church for the rest of your life. I don’t think most people like the concept of it fully taking up a Sunday morning. The other thing most people consider is what are you going to do for eternity until unending boredom sets in. Making the only difference between heaven and hell is how long before you start screaming, “Let me die.” The next concept to also consider is the concept of uploading. If we find of way of uploading consciousness into a computer simulation, we have created heaven. You can now be completely free of want or pain. Or if you need something to strive for nothing is preventing you. Once again if you reach that time you realize that time that you have completed all of your life’s goals you can decide to shutdown your consciousness. This is already better than some versions of heaven.

Stand Back I am Going to Try to Use Science

The largest skill I have developed in talking to Young Earth Creationists is the ability to nail jello to the wall in any discussion.  There are all sorts of cases of goal post moving and outright dishonesty in their arguments, but one honest point they make is: “If evolution is true then Christianity is false.” The simple argument is evolution is true then the whole Adam and Eve story is a metaphor. The problem is you do not need salvation from a metaphor. So in one swoop the core tenant of Christianity gets wiped out.The other issue is in the past when we didn’t know something it was always attributed to the god of the gaps. The only problem is that we keep figuring things out and the gaps keep closing. In history invoking god as an explanation has never been a good one.  Could that change in the future? It is possible, but not likely. Even today there are issues that our current understanding of Quantum Field Theory seem to rule out the existence of a soul if Sean Carroll is right here.

So in the end, most of what we want from religion can be replaced by future technologies, and many of the claims we have today are being shown to be demonstrably false. Whatever the future of religion is it will not resemble anything we have today.

Religion in the Future – Part 1

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Pillars of Creation Hubble Photo
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Some People Have a Different View of the Future

So the hazard of blogging about the distant future using a Karashev 2 civilization is you end up doing a lot of searches for the Kardashev scale. So I ended up on an interesting series of posts on the Kardashev Scale and Christianity by Griffin Paul Jackson. (Found here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV) In my opinion the essays are hopelessly naive. They very much beg the question by assuming Christianity as the true religion and all the future is going to be influence by that. It is true that Christianity is the dominant religion on the planet in 2019, at 29.81%. Clearly however there is no majority faith on the planet. Also here in the US the trend has been the decline of Christianity and the rise of the unaffiliated. So we can be looking thousands of years in the future so who knows what religion will exist or even if religion exists. Where is Zeus, Anubis, or Huitzilopochtli today?

Let’s Massively Expand the Kardashev Scale

In his first essay Griffin defines the scale and expands it. His definitions are:

  • Type I – Complete control of energy on our native planet
  • Type II – Complete control of energy of our host star
  • Type III- Complete control of energy of our galaxy

This is where Kardashev stopped, because honestly you are starting to get lost by going bigger, but Griffin goes on:

  • Type IV – Complete control of the energy of our entire universe
  • Type V – Complete control of the energy of the multiverse.
  • Type VI – Complete mastery over time and space and the ability to create universes. (I am just going to mention here the ability to create universes pretty much defines you as a god. You think Christianity will still be around?)
  • Type VII – Beyond our ability to hypothesize. (In other words left as an exercise for the reader.)

So What is in the Cards for the Future

Goat Herders Guide to the Universe a copy of a Bible

So the TLDR version of all 4 essays really is the whole cosmos belongs to god. We are not god-like even in a Type III or Type IV. We should carry the glory of god to all the universe and not our sin.

So really there is nothing new here. We haven’t added anything new to Christianity or really to what religion is to an advanced society in the future. This is not to imply that faith and beliefs might exist. But a society with dominion over it’s home star probably would interpret things differently. In the next post we can explore what the functions of religion might be in a future society.

Did Rats Just Get USB-C Before the iPhone

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So in the previous post we talked about an example of a non-invasive Brain Machine Interface. Well today we go invasive.

Elon Musk has had a fear of Artificial Intelligence. Calling it one of humanities biggest existential threats. One solution to the threat is as the machines advance we need to advance and become something more as humans. We may have to augment ourselves as well.

This is where Musk’s venture, Neuralink, comes from. Some of the problems of using non-invasive techniques is the fidelity of signals are course, and we really can’t get good interaction with the brain. The only way to do this is to get finer connections. This is where we see our rat. Not only has musk come up with finer connections to the brain, he also has created a machine that can automatically insert the wires. What this does for us is a tool that can more accurately process the brain signals. We also tie this up with a nice USB-C connector. So some rats got USB-C before even some of the iPhones.

So what does this plug into?

This is where we can put the link into action. You now have an interface that directly plugs your brain into a computer. The most immediate solution is giving people debilitated with diseases such as ALS either the ability to speak through a computer. The late Steven Hawking had tools to do this but it was very slow. With this new technology it could be as fast as the speed of a good typist.

But how does the brain know how to use this?

Actually in delving in the paper the honest line it is more of a proof of concept. They really talk about that this is a research modality. It is a chance for them to get better at recording high fidelity signals from the brain and iterate on the technology. So really the next part isn’t here yet.

But we have seen other ways this has been done. Neuroplasticity has been tossed around as buzzword. All it really means is learning. If the wiring is for example in the motor cortex you would think about moving something, then the computer can translate this into whatever action you want, whether it be an artificial limb or some computer interface. Just as you learned to walk stumbling and unsteady at first you learn and adapt to where you no longer think about walking.

On the other side of the coin you can input electrical signals into the brain which the brain will also learn to interpret. One possible use the paper suggests is giving back the proprioception data from an artificial limb, which would end up making it feel like your own.

So When Will Future Versions of Ourselves Use the Technology?

That is going to be the big question. We are already augmented humans by virtue of most of us carrying around a cellphone. Putting a data port in your head, however, is a whole different thing. Clearly the initial use will be to help people injured or diseased to have a more normal life. This helps the technology to mature and become safe. Eventually there we be some early adopters who take the technology to be better than normal. And that is were the augmentation of humanity takes off.

Putting Your Internal Monolog to Use

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In the previous post, I mentioned being able to use bone conduction devices. This comes from a TED talk from someone who has already build the tech to use nerve sensing so you can sub-vocalize a question and then get that answered via a bone conduction interface behind the ear.

So here is a demo of another potential cool upcoming technology.


Science Fiction Tech is Too Conservative

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I recently binged the fourth season of The Expanse. I think it is a great series and it is considered some of the best hard science fiction series out. Depending on who you ask, the events take place somewhere between 200 and 350 years in the future. The thing with looking into the future it always seems like people are either too optimistic or too pessimistic on technology.

When watching Star Trek: The Next Generation or DS9 today I am always laughing at the computer tech. Sure you have warp drive, teleportation, and replicators, but what is the deal with your other technology. Every time I see someone using a PADD I keep thinking isn’t my 2003 Palm Pilot better, and what would people in the future make of my Android smartphone.

In The Expanse they have figured out fusion energy and fusion drives and can cure cancer and severe radiation poisoning. But their everyday tech is pretty pedestrian. Everyone is still using basically smartphones, tablets and screens. Granted if I could get the cool glass smartphone it would be nice. With a wave of their hand, they can cast video call from their smartphone to a big screen. People today want to know how they manage that without the I am sorry your current Android phone is not compatible with this AppleTV device please upgrade to the new iPhone 42S. That is some serious science fiction there.

Where are the machine brain interfaces, video display contacts, and tiny behind the ear bone conduction audio devices. Many of these technologies are in not far from being a reality today. I am also finding it interesting that the VR (Virtual Reality) or AR (Augmented Reality) displays already seem out of date. Here are some data scientists working in the second season.

Scientist with AR Headset
The Expanse second season data scientists.

It looks cool until you see the demos for the Microsoft Hololens 2.

Screenshot of Microsoft Hololens demo
Microsoft Hololens 2 demo

Or maybe the Magic Leap is even better:

Magic Leap demo
One of the example of the uses of the Magic Leap.

While people claim fusion is 20 years away and always will be, why is our computer tech and interfaces better now than 200+ years in the future.

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