Future Work: Coronavirus Edition

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So recently posted about the future of work. Which for the most part leads to so much telepresence, virtual reality, and augmented reality that almost all work will look like a bunch of people in cool glasses and headphone waving their arms in the air at their local Starbucks.

Does the Coronavirus Accelerate the Modern World of Work

The coronavirus, COVID-19 is presenting a challenge to business. My company announced no International travel without approval from our C-Level executive and other companies are doing the same JP Morgan Chase announced 10% of its staff to work from home to test their contingency plans for coronavirus.

So already we have the tools to work from everywhere. Clearly this blog could be written anywhere with internet access and a computer. For more collaborative work many companies are rolling out Microsoft Teams and the like. Microsoft also just announced a free Teams subscription for 6 months as part of its answer COVID-19 outbreak. This could replace meetings and the IP Telephony that can be licensed as part of Teams means that your laptop allows you to do everything you have been used to in the office. Note: Not that teams is everything, but it is the tool I am most familiar with.

Remote Face to Face Has Been Happening for Years

I worked for a brief time at Nationwide Insurance several years agoand we would have a morning face to face “standup” meeting over Cisco Jabber. This included people across three time zones. So the technology has already been here.

So is Remote Work Increasing

I think it is hard for now to determine what will happen, but suddenly due to necessity business is going to explore more remote work options. So what starts as an option to help deal with a crisis can only help also move the trend of remote work forward. I believe what we will find is employees liking it, because it helps with work life balance and companies will like it for its higher flexibility and even possible cost savings. I think remote work is here to stay and will only keep growing as the tools get better.

About Attila

Attila has been an avid science fiction fan since elementary school. Now spending the last 20 years in the IT profession is going back to the joy of writing. In thinking about the distant future some of the technical concepts he is exploring is shared on the K2 Musings blog.